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The Voice of Keystone College

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Student Participation

Do you have a concept for a show and want to be a DJ, or lend a hand behind the scenes?

Community Participation

WVCV 103.5 invites our alumni, faculty, staff, and members of the community to broadcast or create Podcasts for the WKCV listeners.

Keystone News

All-College Honors Convocation 2024 recognizes achievements

All-College Honors Convocation 2024 recognizes achievements

Members of the Keystone College community gathered at All-College Honors Convocation on April 25 to celebrate the academic achievements of students and recognize accomplishments of faculty and staff. Awards were presented to students across Keystone’s two academic schools and to faculty and staff.

Our WKCV Students

Learn more about them.

“My internship with WKCVC is an amazing learning experience and a great opportunity to connect with other students and get involved at Keystone College.”

Alexis Dutkevitch | Event Coordinator

Communication Arts, 2022

“I mainly help the event coordinator with planning and hosting events, but I also help to promote WKCV content through the Community Arts Twitter account and the Guild Facebook page as a part of my internship with the CAH department.”

Miranda Strelecki

Communication Arts , 2022

On Stage with WKCV

WKCV On Stage provides local artists and students a chance to collaborate on projects that will promote the talented artists in our area.

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