Join the Counseling and Well-Being Center and Fortis Dental Hygiene Clinic to gather information about dental hygiene awareness.
Health and Wellness
STI Education and Free STI Clinic
Caring Communities will be on campus at Theatre in Brooks for STI prevention and treatment then followed by an STI clinic in Gambal Athletic Center.
Healthy Eating
Join us for nutrition education with Penn State Extension. Learn about eating healthy on a budget, smart shopping, food prep, and more.
Trivia Night
Join Student Activities for a night of team trivia! No advance sign up required. Snacks and prizes included!
Healthy Hoops
Shoot some hoops and learn about how to protect your health and wellness!
Army Medical Suture Clinic
Join the Keystone College Future Healthcare Professionals club in our first clinic! Learn proper suturing techniques from army medical professionals This is a free event for all attendees and will be held in Capwell Science Hall, room 209.
Clothesline Project
Join the Counseling and Well-Being Center as we honor survivors of interpersonal violence. Come together and decorate t-shirts with messages of support.
Narcan Refresh
A representative from the Department of Health will be on campus for a Narcan Refresh presentation with students and staff.
Spring Break Safety
A representative from PennDOT will be on campus to provide information on spring safety tips.
Safety Briefing
Kathryn Boomer, a health educator from Gesinger will present information on when to call an ambulance and what to do while you wait.